Even bad weather doesn't stop them from cycling: Mayor Florian Schneider (right) and head of the regulatory office Martin Hinterwinkler with the new e-service bikes © Stadt Burghausen / ebh

Even bad weather doesn't stop them from cycling: Mayor Florian Schneider (right) and head of the regulatory office Martin Hinterwinkler with the new e-service bikes © Stadt Burghausen / ebh

More e-bikes purchased as company bikes – offer is well received – mostly e-cars in the administration fleet

For a few weeks now, city employees have had the opportunity to use additional company bikes. "The first few weeks were still a bit bumpy because the weather simply didn't invite cycling, but the bicycles are now being used more," says Martin Hinterwinkler, head of Burghausen's public order office and the city's mobility officer.

A total of three new e-bikes are available to city employees. They can use the bikes to get to appointments in the city area for which they would actually have driven by car. Alexandra Königseder, the head of public relations, had the idea. Martin Hinterwinkler really liked the suggestion and got the bikes from the bike butcher shop, the local bike shop in the old town. The bikes are also regularly serviced there.

First Mayor Florian Schneider hopes that the bicycles will be used actively: "Although we mainly have electric cars as company cars, cycling is even more climate-friendly. In addition, you can exercise a bit in the fresh air during working hours and then you are fitter and more concentrated. A win-win situation for all parties.”

In addition to the three new e-bikes, there is also an e-cargo bike. This is mainly used by the two volunteers and the city gardeners, for example to transport goat feed, plants or tools. The cultural office has also had its own e-bike for a long time so that it can be used to get to and from the office quickly during events

In addition to bicycles, the city also has its own fleet of vehicles. The city administration is trying to switch to electric cars wherever possible. A total of eight of the 14 cars that the city uses as company cars are e-cars, two more have a hybrid drive. The large commercial vehicles in the building yard, such as street sweepers or trucks that are used for winter service, cannot yet be replaced by electric or hybrid cars because the technical development of batteries is not that advanced.


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