All important data and facts about the city of Burghausen can be found under the respective keyword.

The information contains everything you need to know about the city, from the budget, statistical data, the bank accounts of the city of Burghausen to the geographic location and local taxes.

population numbers

Population figures from the population register of the city of Burghausen. As of December 31.12.2020, XNUMX

EW (single apartment)/ HW (main apartment) NW (side apartment) Total
20.070 927 20.997
Bank details of the city of Burghausen
Sparkasse Altötting-Mühldorf
Account number: 252 528
IBAN DE51 7115 1020 0000 2525 28
VR my Raiffeisenbank eG
IBAN DE07 7116 0000 0001 2741 20
VAT ID no. tax no.
DE129270507 9141/114/70112
Geographical location
Geographical location
Location: 48°10'00.0″N latitude, 12°50'00.0″E longitude
Height: Old town 360 m above sea level (Trieste sea level), new town 420 m, Kümmernis 490 m, Raitenhaslach 400 m, Marienberg 445 m, Oberhadermark 470 m.
Surface: The size of the urban area is 1.985 ha.
water values

The current test results for the city area can be found on the website of the Burghausen municipal utilities.


Town hall
Stadtplatz 112
Directions/route planner
T. +49 8677 ​​887-0

Opening hours:
Monday to Wednesday
08: 00 clock to 12: 00 clock
14: 00 clock to 16: 30 clock
08: 00 clock to 12: 00 clock
14: 00 clock to 17: 00 clock
08: 00 clock to 12: 00 clock