Family in Raitenhaslach © Burghauser Touristik GmbH

Burghausen is an attractive and livable city for children and families.

The city has done a lot to ensure that the little residents of Burghausen feel comfortable in the city and intends to continue investing in this area in the future. The parents also want to support the city as much as possible.

There are a total of 13 crèches, day-care centers and after-school care centers in the city area. In this way, every child receives the best possible care. This enables parents to reconcile family and professional life. Information on school education and the individual schools in Burghausen can be found at education and schools.

The numerous playgrounds in Burghausen are distributed throughout the city. As a result, there are only short distances for families before the children can romp around.

Many institutions, such as the Haus der Familie, offer a program for children throughout the year. In this way, children can socialize outside of the parental home with others of the same age and experience exciting things together.

The following pages are primarily aimed at parents and children up to their early teens. There is a separate one for young people youth area.

News about children and family