Seller fills chickpeas into a jar © Westend61 / Addictive Stock / Alex Salcedo

The city of Burghausen is committed to sustainability. Whether in the areas of education and citizen participation, climate and energy, mobility, science, business and work, natural resources and biological diversity or social issues - Burghausen wants to set an example for how sustainability can be lived. To this end, the city is initiating a variety of projects, which include, among other things, the welcome party for new residents, the offer of free urban energy advice and the operation of its own open-air photovoltaic system.

It's not just the city of Burghausen that is active. A large number of private initiatives and campaigns by clubs, organizations and associations from Burghausen and the region are also committed to the topic of sustainability. Like the city of Burghausen, they all want to live sustainability.

In order to make the diverse offering visible, Burghausen offers a platform on its municipal homepage.

This is where sustainable commitment can be made known to a broad public.

Anyone who initiates a corresponding project, has sustainable offers available or has ideas on how sustainability can be further expanded in Burghausen can contact the Burghausen Environmental Office environmental or by phone T. +49 8677 ​​887-304 .

For more information, please visit

“We want to make our city as sustainable as possible so that life here can be made as worth living as it has been up to now. This is not only the responsibility of the current generations, but also of future generations”.

Florian Schneider, Mayor of Burghausen


The city of Burghausen offers this platform as a result of the two “Citizens’ Sustainability Council” events. Due to the topicality of the content, links are provided to websites. If you discover errors or outdated content on the City of Burghausen website, please contact public relations ö or you simply write feedback.

Sustainable projects in Burghausen:

A - G
Projects Description
library of things The city library on the town square also has a library of things. A wide variety of practical items can be borrowed there that you don't need very often, such as game consoles, measuring devices, slacklines or binoculars. In addition, the city library also lends out devices such as Tonie boxes and of course Tonie figures or VR glasses
Book exchange An initiative of the city library: You can drop off books and take them with you at several places in the city:
1. Book cell in the town square
2. In summer at Wöhrsee and in the outdoor pool (bookcases)
3. In the community center in the basement (bookshelf)
One world shop fair & fine The One World Shop in Burghausen's old town is run on a voluntary basis. There are fairly produced and traded foods such as spices, coffee, cocoa, chocolate as well as bags, jewelry, decorative items depending on the season and of course clothing and scarves:
Bicycle auction by the lost property office The city of Burghausen regularly organizes auctions of found bicycles. Everyone is welcome and can buy a bike for cheap money. The dates can be found in the city of Burghausen's events calendar:
Cooking together with rescued food


We cook together in the family home every Thursday morning from 11 a.m. The FÖJ members of the city of Burghausen collect the food beforehand from Burghausen supermarkets. This is rescued food that would otherwise be thrown away.
Crockery rental from Bauhof Residents of the city of Burghausen can borrow crockery for private events in the Burghausen building yard.
Projects Description
Children's Clothing Bazaar The bazaar for baby and children's clothing, toys, baby seats, shoes and other accessories takes place twice a year:
closet Volunteers sort and sell clothes, shoes and stuffed animals in two shops in the old town of Burghausen for adults and children:
N - S
Projects Description
Repair meeting and bike workshop As part of the Bürgerinsel Burghausen eV, volunteers are committed to repairing everyday things such as toasters, televisions, bicycles and coffee machines.
Toy rental in the family home and indoor playground The family home in the town of Burghausen lends out toys and regularly offers an indoor playground. You can always find up-to-date events at the Haus der Familie in the events calendar:

You can also find an up-to-date list of which toys you can borrow, how and where, on the city of Burghausen website:

The city's orchards: fruit free for everyone


The city of Burghausen maintains several orchards from which all citizens can harvest the ripe fruit:
Projects Description
Burghausen board Volunteers run the so-called Burghauser Tafel once a week. Those in need can receive food donations here: Burghauser Tafel at Wackerstrasse 26.
drinking water fountain There are already several drinking water fountains in Burghausen that are publicly accessible at all times. Further locations are to be added in 2024. There is a drinking water fountain in front of the family house, one on the town square and one at the motor bike park
Rental of garden tools


The Burghausen settlers' association in the Bavaria Home Owners' Association rents out various equipment such as wood splitters, high-pressure cleaners and hedge trimmers. Membership in the club is necessary.
Recycling center Burghausen

Sustainable projects in the region:

Projects Description
The used department store in Altötting The BRK Altötting runs a used department store in Altötting. It is open to everyone as an inexpensive shopping option. You will find a wide range of used goods there: from living room furnishings, cupboards, chairs and dishes to electrical appliances, toys and books.
One-world store in Altötting at Kapellplatz
One-world store Tittmoning on the town square
