Cloth bag "Burghausen is changing. The world" © Hannah Soldner

If many small people do many small things in many small places, the face of our earth will change. The project “Burghausen is changing. The world." of the Burghausen Environment Agency.

As part of the project “Burghausen changed. The world." The employees of the environmental agency organize events, workshops and lectures on various sustainable topics such as plastic waste and cleanliness every year.

In addition, they want to encourage the residents of Burghausen to start clean-up campaigns themselves or to swap objects containing plastic for environmentally friendly ones where possible. The Environment Agency attaches great importance to the participation of the citizens of Burghausen.

Burghausen changed. The World – Projects

"I am convinced that the lifestyle of each individual can help to shape our world in a sustainable way and I believe that the smallest piece of plastic that is not consumed and not thrown away is a step in the right direction"

Melina Müller, former FÖJ member of the environmental office in Burghausen

project profile

The project “Burghausen changes. Die Welt.” focuses on a wide range of topics such as plastic consumption and waste. With its campaign, the Burghauser environment takes up essential problems - for the world, the people, the own city or community.

Since its inception, the “Burghausen” campaign has changed. the world." two main points addressed:

  • plastic reduced
  • tilt-free
project goal

The project “Burghausen changes. Die Welt.” aims to show how much waste and plastic could be avoided in people's lives. The initiators want to get people to think about what they actually need and whether they can do without it.


Contact person
Christina Schmid (assistant)
T. +49 8677 ​​887-308

Environment Agency
Stadtplatz 112
3rd floor, room 308
Directions/route planner

Public visitor times:
Monday to Wednesday
08: 00 clock to 12: 00 clock
14: 00 clock to 16: 30 clock
08: 00 clock to 12: 00 clock
14: 00 clock to 17: 30 clock
08: 00 clock to 12: 00 clock