Hand holding the hand of an elderly person in a wheelchair © Westend61 / Uwe Umstätter

People who have worries or fears, or who want to talk to someone about their problems, can contact the on-call service of the pastoral care of the Burghausen parish association. under the phone number T. + 49 8677 8800 you can reach a pastor at any time.

The pastors are subject to confidentiality. On the side of Burghausen Parish Association You will find the contact details of the individual pastors in Burghausen.

There is also a nationwide pastoral care service. Under Tel. +49 800 111 0 111, T. + 49 800 111 0 222 or T. 116 123 People who want to talk about their worries and fears can reach pastors 24 hours a day.

Alternatively, there is the option of contacting the pastors by email or chat. On the Telephone counseling website Those affected will find further information on online telephone counseling.