Aerial view of the Lindach industrial estate © City of Burghausen

The trade association Burghausen represents the small and medium-sized companies that are located in the city of Burghausen. He is an important mouthpiece for these companies in the Salzach city.

The approximately 220 members of the Burghausen trade association benefit from a strong representation of interests and numerous offers.

The offers range from a training day, lectures and workshops by well-known experts to questions of location development.

If you want to know more about the Burghausen trade association, go to Further information.


Trade association Burghausen
Alexander Geith (Chairman)
Robert-Koch-Strasse 5
84489 Burghausen
T. + 49 8677 98790

“The trade association is a mediator, initiator, source of ideas and service provider in equal measure. He is noticed in the political and municipal committees, he is a showcase of the Burghausen companies and their social interdependence.”

Alexander Geith, Chairman of the Burghausen trade association